Please don't take this as a comparison, but I often feel like a ghost on my own website. it's certainly not that I don't appreciate the blessed few that engage here, but when a considerable amount of viewers just write ya off It can feel pretty discouraging. I put up a post on MeWe saying Merry Christmas. Nobody said Merry Christmas back. Maybe one, Which I really appreciate! Aside from that It's as cold as winter on MeWe. I know it may seem easy to say, "Buck up! You're not alone" because I have an Amazing wife". But even people who amazing spouses can feel alone in other fields. My point is, I can relate to to what you're feeling to a degree. Which means you're not alone. The Lord is our refuge, so you're not alone. The Loneliness cannot be filled by people. Often times people can actually make some feel even lonelier than they already do. I know that's how I often catch myself feeling, But with the Lord, it's Alllllllllllllllllllll Good!!!
@Zo I did not even know about MeWe. I Pray that You keep up the Bible teachings Brother! Let's Pray the New Year Brings Happiness & Joy to All!
Please don't take this as a comparison, but I often feel like a ghost on my own website. it's certainly not that I don't appreciate the blessed few that engage here, but when a considerable amount of viewers just write ya off It can feel pretty discouraging. I put up a post on MeWe saying Merry Christmas. Nobody said Merry Christmas back. Maybe one, Which I really appreciate! Aside from that It's as cold as winter on MeWe. I know it may seem easy to say, "Buck up! You're not alone" because I have an Amazing wife". But even people who amazing spouses can feel alone in other fields. My point is, I can relate to to what you're feeling to a degree. Which means you're not alone. The Lord is our refuge, so you're not alone. The Loneliness cannot be filled by people. Often times people can actually make some feel even lonelier than they already do. I know that's how I often catch myself feeling, But with the Lord, it's Alllllllllllllllllllll Good!!!
You’re not alone.
@pricklydisco77 You are Never Alone Brother! Th Lord is Always with You. I am too, From a Distance, But You know what I mean.