I went through US Army Master Gunner School in 2017. One of the instructors' favorite phrases was "Words mean things," and they would repeat this to us when we got test questions wrong because we put the answer in our own words and got the question wrong. I've been watching this whole debacle unfold with Crowder's divorce that he decided to go public about, and I think back to that phrase. I'm no fan of Candace Owens, but she was right to be angry over the accusation of extortion that Crowder made against her. That's a serious offense, and one that should not be made lightly and without any proof. My biggest criticism of Crowder though comes from his statement and the subsequent video of him with his wife. In his video, he states that he "chose wrong." This takes me back to something my father said to me after him and my mother divorced. After the divorce, my mom was angry towards my dad and made the statement that she wished she had never met him. I told my dad what she had said, and he sat me and my brother down and talked to us about it. He told us that to say such a thing would mean that he wished that me and my brother had never been born, and that as bad as the divorce was for him, he would not change a thing because that's how much he loved us. For a man to have children and make such a statement is inexcusable to me. If I had said the things to and about my wife that Crowder said to and about Mrs. Crowder, I would hope that someone would be there to beat the brakes off of me, because that is what I would deserve. Clearly Crowder's pride has gotten the better of him, but that is a topic of another discussion.
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My parents split up twice. The second time they were done. There was fault on both sides of the marriage, but what really put a torpedo into it was after my father gave up trying to save the marriage and committed adultry with the meth whore next door. Seeing my parents split up was pretty traumatic, so when I got married, I resolved myself to not make the same mistakes my father made. The other thing I did was to follow the advice my old pastor gave me during pre-martial counseling. No matter how angry we get with each other, I never let the word divorce even enter my mind because once you start using the word, you become more and more comfortable with the idea of going through with it.
If discussing this is gossip, I will apologize on Judgement Day. Listening to Candace Owens, I cannot help but think that Steven Crowder is the common denominator in the turnover on his show and his divorce. I will pray that Steven humbles himself if that is the case and that Hilary & her children are blessed.
I was about 11 years old. Dad and I went squirrel hunting. Toward the end of the day (or that's the only part of the day I remember) we sat on a fallen log and he said "what if I told you I didn't really love your mother and that we were getting a divorce" .... My life never recovered from that, it was replaced with "escape buttons" of lawlessness, drug and alcohol abuse, and failed relationships. I was well into my 40's before I found sobriety and turned to G-D.