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AlfonZo Rachel :  Multi-Medium

Contact AlfonZo Rachel:

AlfonZo Rachel, "Zo" is a multi-faceted artist, expressing through drums, guitar, bass guitar, song writing, acting, martial arts, Biblical, social/political commentary and others channels. Primarily a drummer, Zo's main music project has been Sledge X( Formerly 20 lb Sledge ) Of which he is the principle song-writer. 

Zo's drumming versatility ranges from hard-rock to indie-pop and genres in between.

Zo, drumming in the hard rock Genre with 20 lb Sledge

(Song Author : AlfonZo Rachel) 












Zo, Drumming in the folk pop rock genre with the Gary Graham Band (Gary Graham from Alienation Tv series, Star Trek, Robot Jox, )
















Zo, Drumming in the indie-pop Genre with "The Army You Have"






Zo has been featured as a principle actor in Theatrical releases such as Gosnell: Trial of America's biggest serial killer, and featured with PJTV (PJMedia) with his ZoNation commentaries 

Examples of which can be seen in this reel:


Zo pearl drums
Zo hat_edited
zo Guitar_edited

Zo has been an official endorser of SoulTone Cymbals

Long time resident of Southern California, from Coachella Valley to South Bay, Zo is now setting up in Texas with the objective of connecting with  God fearing patriotic artists to produce quality entertainment with.

Zo Soul Tone Cymbals
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