is it wrong for churches to ask for vaccination card for Covid to enter the church? I think it’s terribly wrong are they going to say we won’t be granted into heaven next?
Needing opinion. What would you think or believe about a church with no Crosses anywhere on the outside of the building. Or inside.
Do you believe in Backsliding
Pre trib, post trib or mid trib?
Why does God set one person free from Drugs and not another?
Are prayers that include “God help me be patient”, “God change my heart”, “ God help me love my enemies”, God give me boldness to speak about you” proper?
You keep saying this is a fight, this is a war, this is a battle… Isn’t this inciting violence for the less informed
You guys say, we have free will then why did GOD harden pharaoh’s heart?
Bible says God never leaves us or forsakes us, then why do I feel so alone?
As long as the so called Christians take part in the political process , they serve for the operation of the world and flesh above the love of God
First step should be to stay away from playing God of this world by being apart of the political process!!!! Nationalism and politicalism have no part in the Unconditional Love of God!!!
Should we celebrate thanksgiving?
Can y'all please pray for me. I have struggled w/ anger issues and a short temper for a while, even before I turned to the Lord. I curse and say bad things I regret, I will ofc pray as well. I hate doing it. Please pray for me. God bless.
Could you please pray for me, that the Lord brings back peace in our house. There is an angry under current I’m my house between my mother and me.