Great Interview with Dean Cain! That Scumbag that Raped a Woman in Philly? Those passengers , 1 or more, Should have Opened a Can Of Whoop-ass on Him! I would NOT have Tolerated a Man Raping a Woman on that Subway! He would be on The Ground, Very Fast! He would not be getting up till the Police got there! With an Ambulance!
@Tom Jefferson Truly a disgusting culture we have today to just sit back and let that kind of violence happen! I'm glad you got to catch the Dean Cain interview, Zo decided to just put it up on YT after being so frustrated for so long battling the enemy🙄 BTW, I wrote our mailing address to you yesterday but I don't see it in the thread, did you see it?
@Carrie Rachel You have access to My email address; You can email it to Me. I will Gladly Mail you a Bag of Natural Fresh Catnip at No Charge! If you want to send Me anything, My return address will be on the Mailing!
By the way, Real , Fresh picked and dried Catnip Flowers in Tea with Honey, is VERY Calming to Humans! Opposite effect on Cats though! I have PLENTY of Fresh Dried Catnip Flowers if you need any, I can mail you some! 😉
Thank You Carrie, I Hope to see it tomorrow then! God Bless You Both! Tell Zo to drink some Herbal Tea ( Chamomile? Valerian Root is Very Calming!) and Be Calm & Faithful. Both of you, Sleep Well! Tomorrow is a Brand New Day! May God Bless you both!
@Tom Jefferson Well tom - just one unexpected technical issue after another. Zo's very frustrated, so many problems and no good reason for them. It won't be released tonight, so sorry. You're such a dear brother to have on the team!😅
Great Interview with Dean Cain! That Scumbag that Raped a Woman in Philly? Those passengers , 1 or more, Should have Opened a Can Of Whoop-ass on Him! I would NOT have Tolerated a Man Raping a Woman on that Subway! He would be on The Ground, Very Fast! He would not be getting up till the Police got there! With an Ambulance!
When will the Dean Cain ZO Loft Stream? Tonight??? Time?
Catnip Patch, Ready for picking!
By the way, Real , Fresh picked and dried Catnip Flowers in Tea with Honey, is VERY Calming to Humans! Opposite effect on Cats though! I have PLENTY of Fresh Dried Catnip Flowers if you need any, I can mail you some! 😉
Thank You Carrie, I Hope to see it tomorrow then! God Bless You Both! Tell Zo to drink some Herbal Tea ( Chamomile? Valerian Root is Very Calming!) and Be Calm & Faithful. Both of you, Sleep Well! Tomorrow is a Brand New Day! May God Bless you both!
Still here. Patiently waiting for it. 🤔
I do know how it goes! I am a Computer Builder. And Satan is always trying to get in the way of Truth!
YES, I guessed it Right! But, Nothing Tonight! :( Still here waiting!
I would tune in for that