CAMPAIGN STARTED OCTOBER 30, 2023 Good on ya, Bronze Serpent Citizens and Kingdom Kin! Thank you so much for being a part of the PoWoW! I am pleased to report that I have finished the drafts for Season One of the ZOpium Den and the Zo Loft as comedy shows! Your support is needed now more than ever! To compete in the culture against influential media out there, we're going to need some upgrades in setting, and capture. I'm hoping I can count on you with supporting the acquisition of the equipment needed to achieve fairly decent captures to greatly improve image quality.
The budget needed for me to begin these captures is $6500.00
This budget includes The camera, the Prompter, Tripod, Motion track, Basic lighting, Remote controling, and Set dressing. With this I can begin recording the monologues for the ZOpium Den and the Zo Loft! Thank you so much for your God-sent support to bring this vision to fruition to do our part to promote truth and sanity in the culture! Blessings! CLICK HERE for the link to Link to contribute. Please specify that this is support for the equipment budget. UPDATES OF THE THE BALANCE LEFT TO BE RAISED WILL BE POSTED HERE.
$6798.31 OF $6,500 Raised!
$0 Remaining to GOAL!

Thank you so much y'all!!! Very excited for what y'all are helpin' to build! The Lord be praised! @jmessick @JKforUA @dtoexp @Kevin Catlin @ptarzwell
Fundraiser updated! Thank you, @jmessick @Red 4
I'm extending this challenge to midnight on the 31st as a last ditch effort to motivate the Zoniverse! At least comment and share even if you're tapped out from holiday giving. Even a dollar will help.
Citizens of the Zoniverse! It appears that the time has come to make another pledge challenge! Take heed! If Zo receives donations that total $250 by the 25th of December and when you donate you tag this challenge, Marguerite and I will match it with our $250. This is a worthy cause, let's pitch in and keep Zo on the go!
Right on, right on!!! Thanks and blessings!!! @crankycorner59 @jabwocky @Nancy DahnSchuh-Boyd Eustice @westcoatd @davidsonty @ginny @Eric M. Blake @scott , @debbie.lenson , @Comet223
@Tom Jefferson @Zel Mitzel (The Zealot) @Nate Smoove @lindaradosevich @dougsped @terrybankston @theplankclan @salwade232 @Todd Alan Clary
@noncom3 , @andrew craven @kertis.peterson @Songbird Vega @noncom3 @Paige Wilcox @Daniel @Wayne Carmichael @Big Al @hyper_drummerdc, @ricardogcastro @WestonGick,
Right on, right on!!! Thanks and blessings!!! @Tom Jefferson @Zel Mitzel (The Zealot) @Nate Smoove @lindaradosevich @dougsped @terrybankston @theplankclan @salwade232 @Todd Alan Clary
@noncom3 @crankycorner59, @andrew craven @kertis.peterson @Songbird Vega @noncom3 @Paige Wilcox @Daniel @Wayne Carmichael @Big Al @hyper_drummerdc, @ricardogcastro G. Marmaduke @Jabwocky @Nancyeustice @WestonGlick, @TyDavidson
That's great news on dollars raised so far. If the some of you citizens of the Zoniverse will each donate one dollar before the 15th of this month, M and I will match it up to $100. So if 100 citizens just send $1, that means $200 for this fundraiser. C'mon brothers and sisters, let's make it happen! Get involved! A vital service is being provided here, show the love! Tag your buck so Zo can let me know... who participated.
Right on, right on!!! Thanks and blessings!!! @andrew craven @kertis.peterson @Songbird Vega @noncom3 @Paige Wilcox @Daniel @Wayne Carmichael @Big Al @hyper_drummerdc, @ricardogcastro G. Marmaduke
Zo! WOW! As usual, I have no money but I do have a suggestion: use GiveSendGo on and generalize your request. There are a lot of folks on Gab who know nothing about you or your work or your trials or tribulations or successes and they would probbly have a very curious response to the 20 pound sedge . . . is 20 pound correct? The usual explanation for such questioning is oh, age and memory -- but in my case I've been transitioning off meds I've been 'fed' for about 30 yrs that turn out to have been or become unnecessary. I do wonder who I will be once the system (mine, not theirs) is flushed and can behave naturally. // Wishing you and wife G*d's gretest blessing day to day. Smile!
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @zadokdapriest1 @Zel Mitzel (The Zealot) @Zero Fox
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @warriormj7 @warren heyman @Wayne Carmichael @weechee1313 @wendelynyoung @westcoatd @Willie Johnson Jr @wordenphone @yamma98 @yeli48
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @trustgodcryrepeat @twofeet43 @twoxcell @unknownstranger @valorc @vamccorv7 @vanessa.montijo70 @vmcduff67 @voliminalverse5000 @vulgivagos
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @tlars36 @tlfholycross @tm4me2fly @Tobias May @Todd Alan Clary @tombubb @tomems8 @Travis Lark @tracybennett123 @truckingpluck
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @Texx Fletch @tgbtg1970 @thatwench @theplankclan @the 1700 @Thomas Jensen @tidingsofgreatjoy @tillett4ct @Tim Riley @Tim Chen
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @susaneepp @Sylvia Hélène @Tammy @tanddhamilton @taydallas2 @taylorannlawless @Tc Walden @terrybankston @terrylrt1 @testing_test333
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @sowen75 @sparrow85659 @spellerito @splackey7 @stalav @stevthomsen @stormryder49079 @stssart @subvet1972 @Super Girl
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @shaunmosher @shermanh @shellstar35 @skybrittsmom @sky @Skyking @social_wp @solomonfish33hmb @Songbird Vega @sounjohn
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @Sac City 1969 @salwade232 @Sandy Marie @scotml83 @Scott Hennig @SCOTT CLINE @scott @Selena R Marsh @senter.brenda.d @sgt.robert.magallanes
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @Rob Shirley @Robert L Jackson @Robert Russell @rtepps5115 @rtjc23 @ruthr53 @rvdrums @rwickl7439 @s.m.armstrong65
Trying to get the word out on the above post! Thanks for hearing me out! Prayers and support to bring this to fruition much appreciated! Thank, y'all!!! @rhatiganforidaho @richlene12 @Rich White @Rick Harris @Richard Santomauro @rjmumfo @rkbolinsky @rkbyers03 @rnmicklesjr @Rob Howard