Hey, Zo, nice to have found time to get back to you this lovely Sunday. Two great 'Lofts, BTW. Years ago, when I was relatively new to the faith, I was walking down (actually UP) a street in AdamsMorgan (DC) and it was just as clear as clear could be: I didn't know much, but I knew the Jesus I was following was the one who turned tables over in the Temple. The other one comes from an entirely 'other' time in my life. I studied Yoga for years. When I was initiate I was given the name Durga. Now, I was not a Hindu believer of any sort, but Durga's story -- WOW! Shan't take up your time with why or how -- but amazing things happen when there isn't a Christian in any distance at all . . . Must get on to chores. Still researching alternatives . . . HAH!
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Indeed, Keep the Christ close!