Often I am making an analogy of your Money House being a home built on a plot of land defined by your income. That is still true, but I don't think I've explored it as far as it should go. For instance, most of the time, I describe your plot of land as only big enough for your income. Then you build your Money House based on that income. However, the truth is your Money House should only be a part of the plot of land your income represents. If you had all of your monthly income taken up by the necessities of life, you wouldn't be able to make any progress getting out of debt or building savings! Instead, let's look at your income as providing a larger plot of land in which you build your Money House. Depending on your financial choices, this plot of land may be filled with some junk that needs to be cleaned up. These obstacles to a clear and beautiful scene represent the debts that you have incurred. Have a car loan or two? You can imagine a couple of junk cars just taking up space in your Money Plot. However, as you do the hard work of paying off those loans, it's like you are rebuilding and refreshing those junk cars into something you can be proud of! Perhaps you still have a student loan that you have been paying off for many years. That can be the aftermath of a gigantic graduation party (depending on the size of the loan). It may remind you of more fun times, but it also exists as a blight on your Money Plot. Taking the time and effort to pay that student loan debt off is your act of cleaning up the mess and removing that blight from your income, forever! Your Money Plot can be as clear or as cluttered as you want it to be. As always, the question is how intentional will you be in making it what you want? What are some other eyesores (bad debts) that you can see in your Money Plot? Describe them in the comments below!
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Thanks Todd.